Chiropractic Seminar Resources

The following resources will be helpful for those in the Chiropractic Seminar. These were covered in the library instruction session.

Keyword Searching

The following databases can be used for keyword searching of chiropractic related journal articles.

Spartan Search
Spartan Search is a great starting place.This simple search box searches across a wide variety of library resources. Some quick tutorials for searching this resource can be found on our Youtube channel.

Index to Chiropractic Literature
This database does not contain full text, but it is a comprehensive source for chiropractic literature. Every item in the database refers to chiropractic related material from peer reviewed journals. You can use this database in conjunction with Spartan Search to find full text.

Citation Chasing

The following databases can be used to easily located the full text of works cited or to find who has cited a particular article. No one database will have a complete list of all the authors that have cited an article, so it helps to check your citation against several of these databases.

The search results list will give you additional information about the article including links to “cited references” and “times cited”.

CINAHL Result with cited reference and times cited links.
CINAHL Result with cited reference and times cited links.

Science Direct
One of our largest databases with more full text than most other sources. They will include links to other articles in the “References” section of a journal article.

Google Scholar
While this resource does not come from the library it is probably the best way to find who has cited an article. This information will be listed right below the search results.

Google Scholar Result showing how many times article was cited.
Google Scholar Result showing how many times article was cited.

Additional Resources

Sign up for a free account with this service to organize and format your citations. It allows you to easily create works cited pages for multiple assignments. The service also will recommend articles for you once it learns what you are looking for.